Monday, August 6, 2012

So besides watching anime, I watched a lot of movies. I'm going to divide them into 4 tiers: Good, Great, Alright, and Shit.


21 Jump Street [R] - Hilarious. I had to pause the movie a few times because I was laughing so hard. 9.5/10

Back to the Future [PG] - I shouldn't have to explain why this is amazing. 10/10

Back to the Future II [PG] - Slower start than the first, but still was amazing. 9.5/10

Back to the Future III [PG] - People give too much grief to this movie. Sure it's not as good as the first two, bit it's still amazing. 9/10

Howl's Moving Castle [PG] - The story and animation were both amazing. 9/10

Jeff, Who Lives At Home [R] - I... I kind of had my mind blown... 9.5/10

The 40 Year Old Virgin [R] - Hilarious. 9/10

The Hangover - Simply amazing. 9.5/10

The Hangover 2 - Just as, if not better than the first. 9.5/10

Tropic Thunder [R] - Hilarious movie with a top notch cast. 9/10


Anchorman [R] - Lots of memorable lines. 8.5-10

Bad Teacher [R] - Bitches be crazy. 8/10

I Love You, Man [R] - Bromance story. Still funny. 8/10

Knocked Up [Unrated] - Great story. 8.5/10

Paul [R] - While I disagreed with it's views on Christians, it was still pretty funny. 8.5/10

Pineapple Express [R] - I... sort of zoned out while I was watching this, but what I saw was really good. 8/10

Scott Pilgrim vs The World [PG-13] - Still good the second time. 8.5/10


Borat [R] - I honestly couldn't finish this movie. I got bored. 6/10

Forgetting Sarah Marshall [Unrated] - Funny; however, I was forced to see Jason Segel's dick. Twice. 7/10

Get Him to the Greek [R] - Somewhat of a continuation of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. 7/10

In Bruges [R] - I didn't finish this movie, but what I saw was pretty good. 7.5/10

Superbad [Unrated] - I'm not sure why this movie got so much hype. It honestly wasn't very good. Except for the cops. I wish the movie had been based around them instead. 7/10

The Girl Next Door [Unrated] - I couldn't finish this one either. I got bored. 5.5/10


Bridesmaids [R] - Jesus Christ... I felt like I was in a Saw movie while having to watch this movie. I'm used to filth humor, but when the writers of a MOVIE have to resort to diarrhea and vomit as bases for their jokes, it get's pretty pathetic. 1/10

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