Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Anime that I've recently finished and what I thought of them

So in the absence that occurred, I spent part of my time watching anime.

Yuru Yuri - Yuri moe starring about 13 girls in Junior High. Hilarity ensues. 8.5/10

Hen Zemi - Fucking... weird.... 7/10 (NSFW)

Kill Me Baby - 3 (technically 4) girls in High School that look like they should be in Elementary. Pretty funny. 8/10

Kore wa Zombie desu ka? - Ok... This was... different. There's a lot of "the fuck?" moments, but it's overall story was good. 7/10 (probably shouldn't watch it around normal people)

Upotte!! - Girls who carry guns, and are said guns at the same time. Funny, with a good bit of war attached to it. 8.5/10

Angel Beats! - It seems to take a lot of inspiration from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, in both animation style and slightly with the plot. Other than that, it's amazing... except it has one of the worst endings in history. 8/10

Elfen Lied - Shit's fuck up yo. 6/10 (NSFW/L)

Chobits - I had already seen it previously, but I decided to watch it again. It has a slow start, but has a good message about how technology is probably advancing too fast. 8.5/10

Clannad - Based off a visual novel, I surprisingly liked the love story. It was actually pretty good. 7/10

Sgt Frog - If you haven't seen this yet, you have to get on Netflix and watch it right now. There have been moments during this show where I've just had to pause it and just laugh because the jokes are so well written. This also must be seen in English. Usually it doesn't matter too much if an anime is viewed in dub or subbed format, but a lot of the jokes in the later seasons have more to do with western pop culture in the English dub. And besides, the cast for the show is amazing. 9/10

Gurren Lagann - God damn. Just go watch this show. Now. 9/10

New Music Tuesdays Vol 1: I/O

Alright unlike my other music segments I am going to make a harder attempt at keeping this one running.  Basically every Tuesday I am going to make a post about a lesser known artist whom I believe is talented, and this week I would like to start with the NY triple-threat (singer-producer-song writer) I/O, who just recently released his mixtape/free album 'Isolation'

I/O fits within the genre of abstract RnB being run by Frank Ocean and The Weeknd, actually he sounds like a perfect child from the two of them.  He handled most of the production (10 of the 12 songs) on his own and wrote the entire thing himself.  It's a great project.  If you enjoy Frank Ocean or The Weeknd and this experimental/abstract form of RnB then you will probably enjoy I/O, if you have not listened to much Ocean of Weeknd then maybe I/O can be your first venture into the genre, let me know what you think!  You can stream and download his project 'Isolation' for free here - http://www.djbooth.net/index/albums/review/i-o-isolation/#stream

Monday, July 30, 2012

Joe Pistols 'Poltergeist' Mixtape Vol. 1 & 2 Covers

Covers I made for my homie Joe Pistols mixtapes being released soon

Why I Hate Society


Let me preface this by saying this is my least thought out 'poem' yet.  I would consider it more of a rant than a poem, but after getting to know the third person to inspire this rant, I was finally pushed into writing it. 

How can I hate something I am a part of?
Because as a single middle-class individual I have little-to-no say in the persona of 'society'
If society were a person, I (in this present moment, atleast) would barely represent a stitch deciding the color of clothing it is wearing, but I'm getting off topic.

Like everyone who isn't rich to the point they can buy anything they mislabel as a need as it pops into their head, I have minor complaints about how things are done - but those are generally jealous complaints about why I'm not as successful as people higher up, this has nothing to do with those problems with society.  The only way I can completely describe my meaning is moreso to describe what forced me to write it.

I know three different girls who are the greatest people on this planet.  They are beautiful, smart, sweet, and every other trait an amazing person possesses.

My first light in the abyss that is societal problems was hearing that the sweetest, nicest, and most innocent person I know had cut herself because of people bullying her.  I honestly couldn't understand how someone could push another human being to that extreme, whether they knew it or not (they didn't - I believe I'm the only person she has told).  Luckily after the first time she realized hurting herself was not going to help her feel better, but most people that start this terrible habit don't figure that out unfortunately.

The second girl had a similar problem, however her bullying began for a different reason.  She had missed months of school due to a disease that left her in the hospital, unable to do much of anything.  She was bullied because she had gained a bit of weight due to not being able to get out of bed.  The bullying on top of catching up with school just so she could move on to the next grade in time and recovering led to her cutting herself, in secret, for about 3 months.  I've seen her scars - and it's honestly one of the most depressing sights I've seen once I learned the cause.  She's scared to wear sleevless clothing, go swimming, ect. because people might see her scars and judge her.

This third story is the worst, and I'm not even sure if she would want it shared, even without a name attached, but it pushed me over the top and made the problems all to real, so I hope atleast one other person can take from this as I did.  She was also bullied, but to a much further extreme.  She, like the other two, had cut herself to cope.  Eventually that didn't help as much and she began taking sleeping pills to numb the pain (emotional, not physical).  When she had had enough she decided she just wasn't made to be on this planet, that she was a mistake and attempted to take her life.  She has tried 4 times and I thank God that she has failed each time, because the fact that she is able to forgive the people that bullied her proves she has the sweetest heart that I've ever come by. 

Those three stories should be complete fiction, I shouldn't be allowed to pass them as real events, we, as humans, shouldn't be able to do that to one another.  And I know that there are worse things going on in the world. Revolutions, wars, serial killers, unjust governments are all immensely horrible, but because I haven't seen or experienced those things first hand, they seem unreal and just statistics to me, while these three people have cried while telling me what had happened, have shown me scars and razors, have made the harsh news stories of bully-induced suicides and depression a dark reality.

So the call to action is just be wary of the effects of every action you do.  To risk sounding to preachy, the person you make fun of in school could have family problems and your thoughtless words could cause him or her to break.  This person could be the person who would eventually find a 100% perfect cancer cure, or be the next Michael Jackson, and because of our unforgiving society they give up before they are able to show the world that they do in fact deserve the breath they are given, so just be careful.