Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gay Marriage?

Alright, now I understand posts like these don't quite fall under our site's normal range (we're a media site) but I feel like getting my views out there with the whole Chick-Fil-A crisis that has been going on recently.  I am a Christian, however, I don't always 100% agree with the Bible (it also supports slavery and extreme physical punishment of children for small disobedience), and in the issue of gay marriage is one of the times I don't.  There are two types of marriage, marriage through the church, and marriage legally.  Marriage legally comes with tax, death, legal, and more benefits.  My thought in this sense is why should gays be denied these benefits?  If they love each other, and want to live with each other and be each other's other half then they should be entitled to the same benefits a man and a woman receive, even if it's not called marriage, which leads to my idea.  The word marriage is why it is a problem, marriage has a religious connotation, my idea (and I'm sure I am not the first to bring it up) is to call it a Civil Union and give them the same ceremony legally and the same benefits.  I believe the Constitution ensures separation of Church and State.  If that is true why is the fact that the most common argument against gay marriage is from the Bible? 

TL;DR? : Separation of Church/State & Equal Right for everyone (both in the Constitution) should mean that Gays in some way should be able to receive the same benefits as straight married couples.  That being said, Chick-Fil-A has the right to say whatever they want, as they are a private business - even if it I think their view is absolutely stupid.

Let me leave you with this...

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